
(私)30代の男(会社員) (元妻)同じ年(専門職) / 子供2人(2017/6 ,2018/12生) / 育児・家事・仕事・夢奮闘記 / 随時更新






Describe a challenge or event that made you who you are today.

The challenge or event that made me who I am today happened when I was 17 years old. I was attending an advanced school, but my grades were not good, I had quit my club activities (rugby club), and it was a time when I did not have confidence in myself. I decided to do something memorable in my high school life, and I decided to organize the most exciting event in high school, the Sports Day, which includes the popular events of pole vaulting, cavalry battle, and tug-of-war. I had no experience as a leader of nearly 600 people, of course, and I did not have confidence in myself. The leaders of each student block, who corresponded to my subordinates at that time, were my classmates and juniors, and even though I had conflicts with them, I persevered with my plans and was able to successfully complete the Sports Day. This is one of the major factors that have made me who I am today. In fact, it was that early experience that allowed me to complete many projects and become a manager at the age of 36.