
(私)30代の男(会社員) (元妻)同じ年(専門職) / 子供2人(2017/6 ,2018/12生) / 育児・家事・仕事・夢奮闘記 / 随時更新






What is the value of the traveling? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I think the value of traveling is to expand your horizons. If you are only stay in one place, it is difficult to recognize people from other cultures. But if you travel, you will meet lots of new people from all walks of life. For example, last year I went to Shigaraki, Arita, and Bizen alone because I was interested in the ceramic culture. In a normal business, one is often responsible for development, manufacturing, or sales, but the ceramic artisans do all of these things on his own, and each of them creates works with their own values as an artist and faces customers(although they are supported from family members). Although they are aging, they are still very active, and their way of life is something to learn from. In a town where ceramics is popular, there are many craftsmen, and they spend years trying to differentiate themselves from each other. Kneading clay, baking, glazing, and re-firing, to the outside eye, may seem repetitive, but to the craftsman himself, it is a creative process. Traveling to places of ceramic art makes me think about my own life's work. I think the value of traveling is to expand my  horizons by being contact with people from different cultures.